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Shopping for a New Accounting Software? Don't Overlook Customer Support

Customer support is important for your peace of mind, especially as you get used to new software.

If you’re shopping for new accounting software, you might be considering what’s out there as well as what you should be looking for to help you make the right choice. One thing many businesses fail to consider is customer support. For the most part, your accounting software should run smoothly on its own. but there are times when you just can’t figure something out or need to make sure a new user has the support they need.

You’ll probably already be considering features, security, automation, accessibility outside the office, and more from your new accounting software but don’t overlook customer support.

Customer support is important for your peace of mind, especially as you get used to new software. Global businesses typically have staff in different timezones and this is why 24/7 support is so important. It means that your staff, no matter where they are, can always get the support they need. 

Having access to this kind of support can also save your business time. Rather than spending time trying to figure out an intricacy of your software, a quick call or email could have it all sorted out in minutes. This is especially important for busy teams who don’t have the time to learn something new by trial and error.

Making the Switch to the Cloud

The thought of switching to something different could seem daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. There are a number of key differences between our legacy, desktop software and cloud software such as BQE CORE. Thankfully, the transition is made much easier thanks to a thorough onboarding and training process, as well as 24/7 support, should you need assistance further down the line.

Cloud software has a number of benefits. First off, it’s more secure and regularly updated to protect your business and its sensitive data. It’s also accessible from anywhere, anytime. This is fantastic for distributed teams who work in different offices. For example, if someone adds a timesheet in New York, the team in London will be able to see it and the updated totals right away. This makes it much easier for different offices, departments, and locations to have a clear view of the business as a whole.

Because cloud software is always being updated, you’re always on the right version of the software to access up-to-date support. The trouble with many other software companies is that it can be costly to update and, even then, support might be pulled anytime. This can make it increasingly expensive to use an out-of-date system.

The Modern Business Isn’t 9-5

Very few businesses have every single employee working 9-5. Flexible working is the new norm and with some teams spread across time zones, the 9-5 structure seems a little outdated. This is another reason why 24/7 support is so important. Those employees that like to arrive early to get home for the school run or the night owls who are more productive when it gets dark, they’ll need access to support just as much as those who work a more traditional day.

24/7 Customer Support From BQE

If you make the switch to BQE CORE, you get access to 24/7 support — not just to help you make the transition, but for as long as you have the product, too. This helps you get up to speed quickly and also supports your employees, clients, and contractors.

You have a number of options when it comes to contacting BQE Support. You can send an email asking for assistance with a product, function, or just a simple clarification. Alternatively, you can call and speak to the friendly Customer Support Team, even right from within the application (how cool is that?). If your time is at a premium and you don’t want to wait on the phone, you can simply request a call back. You can also use the online help as well as search the CORE Help Center and Community if you prefer that.

The Support Team will help you over the phone, email or they can remotely connect to your computer to show you exactly how to complete the task or solve the problem you’re facing.

This kind of technical support, whenever you need it, is vital in the smooth running of your business. It allows employees to save time and feel confident about the software they use on a day-to-day basis.

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