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5 Reasons You're Afraid to Move to CORE (and Why You Shouldn't Be)

Five reasons you might be afraid to leave your current software solution and move to Core (and why you shouldn’t be.)

Change, often seems so difficult, many firms don't even attempt new processes or technologies. If we don't keep pace with our changing times, we are putting our future at risk. 

Moving to a modern technology platform shouldn't be something to dread. Here are five reasons your firm might be afraid to leave your current software and why you shouldn't be concerned about moving to BQE CORE.

1. 'I have concerns about my data being on the cloud'

Many users of on-premise products have concerns regarding data being housed on the cloud. Cloud computing (for those who are unsure of what it is), refers to the ability to store and access programs and data via the internet rather than physically via your hard drive. Though this seems alarming, you must understand that it is no longer the future. The cloud is here-and-now. It is not a matter of ‘IF’ you will have to use the cloud for your business, but ‘WHEN.’ Much of the technology around you is cloud-based already: phones, thermostats, smart speakers, door locks, even home appliances. Technology is always changing- it’s the name of the game. So put your floppy disks away and see why your firm needs cloud based software.

2. 'BQE CORE doesn't integrate with my QuickBooks Desktop'

Users of BQE desktop or on-premise products often used QuickBooks desktop to handle their accounting needs. It made sense at one time as they worked well together and allowed for many businesses to thrive. As technology developed over the years, it has become apparent that cloud is the way forward. Intuit created QuickBooks Online as a response to developing technology, highlighting the ability to access your data from anywhere. BQE CORE, besides using cloud technology, also developed its own built-in accounting platform, eliminating the need to have a separate platform like QuickBooks. With most of the software being moved to the cloud, you are left with two options: continue using legacy products (often having to use multiple applications to serve one function for your business) or make the move to BQE CORE and eliminate the need for two separate software.

Of course, if for any reason your firm wants to continue using QuickBooks, simply migrate to QuickBooks Online, the native cloud solution for QuickBooks customers and that is fully integrated with BQE CORE. That way you don't upset your accountant or CPA who is a QuickBooks Pro Advisor but get the full benefits of working with BQE CORE which understands the unique needs of professional service firms.

3. 'I don't want to go through the hassle of transferring my data'

Worried about transferring your data to a new software? No need to. BQE provides a ‘white glove’ data migration service and implementation kits that transfer your data into BQE CORE - saving you the hassle. Often completed within a week, you can have your business up and running in BQE CORE in no time.

4. 'COVID-19 has brought up a lot of concerns about my business'

The latest pandemic has had a huge impact on all industries and the daily lives of people. It would be concerning to NOT HAVE concerns during these trying times. Though COVID has affected different businesses in different ways, it has made it clear that it is no longer an option for companies to be tethered to their offices. The need to be able to access your data from anywhere is a must when it comes to your business- something BQE CORE has been providing since its start.

5. 'Upgrading to CORE is going to cost more than what I am currently paying'

Money is always a factor when it comes to making a business decision. You might have become comfortable with what you currently pay to meet your needs. So why pay more? When it comes to on-premise products, the cost of a user license was the same for each user. So as a company, you were paying the same price for each license for users who wouldn’t need access to all the features that the license offered. BQE CORE, however, offers role-based pricing, allowing you to only pay for the roles appropriate to your employees. And with the ability to easily customize security settings for employees, they will see only what you want.

There are also many hidden costs for firms to maintain on-premise software applications. The I.T costs for backing up data, maintaining servers, updating software and dealing with security concerns like malware and ransomware. These problems completely disappear when you implement native-cloud solutions like BQE CORE.

Still not sure if you want to take the leap? Join us for a free webinar on UPGRADING TO BQE CORE: All You Need to Know to Get Started.


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