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Firm Operations

Top Reasons Why Employees Need to Enter Their Own Time Using Time Tracking Software

To save money and discover your most profitable clients, have your employees enter their own time with time tracking software.

No one wants to hear the dreaded question, "Have you turned in your timesheet?" 

Whether you're an owner or a manager, don't you have better things to do with your time than hounding your employees to turn in a document that's mandatory if they want to get paid? The best way to get your time tracking in good shape is starting with improving your employees’ timesheet habits. And the quickest way to do this is with an easy-to-use time tracking software.  

Benefits of Using Time Tracking Software 

Tracking time can be a pain. Not only on the employees themselves who get wrapped up in work and forget to count their hours, but on managers too who then have to deal with making sure they have the correct time, not to mention making sure each employee gives them their time, on time.  

To make entering time easy, and most importantly exact, invest in smart time tracking software that can handle everything for you. The right platform will be so easy to use, you’ll receive your employees timesheets on time, every time, and as an added bonus- free of errors. Think how much of your own TIME you can save! 

There are several reasons why you should want your employees to record their own time using time tracking software: 

1. Save money

You're already paying your employee an hourly wage, or a salary so why not have them perform their own timesheet data entry? 

Payroll processing costs can run several thousands of dollars per year for a business with less than a dozen employees, to tens of thousands of dollars for businesses that are still considered "small" by the official government definition. 

Even if you perform the payroll function in-house, you could cut out a portion of salary and wages by outsourcing a portion of payroll data entry to employees by using automated software. 

2. Discover your most profitable projects and clients

 Rather than being scared about accurately recording billable time for fear of reprisal by management, employees should naturally want to be honest when reporting their time. 

Treasure-troves of information are available from employees themselves on how they spend their time if you can get your workers excited about going into extreme detail on every minute they spend doing work. Having employees enter their own time is the best way to capture all this useful information! 

And the benefit for you? Insightful management reports uncover your most profitable projects and clients, how to make your projects more profitable, as well as let you know if there are any projects or clients you should consider parting ways with. 

3. Decrease the chance for errors 

Processing payroll can be a three-person process: The employee fills out their timesheet; human resources compile all the timesheets; then accounting enters the data into their software to generate paychecks and tax forms. 

Anywhere along this chain of command, an honest mistake - or even an intentional mistake, for that matter - could be made. In any case, you cannot afford to make silly mistakes. 

Whether it's cutting multiple points of contact or doing away with handwritten forms that could be illegible, having employees enter their own time into an automated time tracking software of your choice drastically reduces the chance for payroll processing errors. 

Time Tracking Software with BQE CORE 

Employees shouldn't have to fear being honest when recording work performed on the job. By encouraging your workers to enter their own time in as much detail as possible, you can look forward to saving money and learning who your most profitable clients are. Using an automated time tracking system such as BQE CORE can also help with that goal. 

It can take as little as a few minutes or even a few seconds for an employee to enter time in CORE. This all-in-one software offers a complete view of entered hours worked each day of the week. Or, if desired, you can get a more detailed spreadsheet-style of time entry.  

All projects, activities and descriptions are pre-defined, easily selected, and swiftly populated in the proper fields on the timesheet. Submitting a timesheet for approval by a supervisor/manager can be done in three clicks or less. 

To learn more about BQE CORE try a free demo today and see just how easy time tracking for you and your entire firm can be! 


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