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Project Management

The Importance of Time Management: 5 Tips for Success

BQE Core is an all-in-one practice management software that focuses on your needs. Core helps certainly helps in time management

In today’s world, there never seems to be enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done. We only have 24 hours, and some of that time we need to sleep and eat!

I look around at my friends and colleagues—some are like the ‘Energizer Bunnies,’ zipping through the day, conquering everything on their “Lists,” and then others are just barely making it. Personally, the Energizer Bunnies, who tell me that sleep is overrated, make me dizzy and question, “when do they breathe?”

We have all heard it before: time management is the key to success. It is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter—not harder—so you can get more done in less time and maybe get a few hours of sleep, too.

Look, most of us are busy, but the real question is, “Are we being effective?” Time management offers:

  • Greater efficiency,

  • Increased productivity,

  • Less stress,

  • And more opportunities to achieve work/life balance.

But how can you achieve this time management skill?

5 Ways to Improve Your Time Management

Organization – When you are organized, you can find what you need to accomplish each task. Ever walk into an office and can’t find the person behind the mountains of files on the desk? How can that person know what file is needed?

Prioritizing – Stay on task and try not to wander—potentially forgetting what you were trying to do in the first place. If you prioritize what needs to be done, then complete that task, you are now ready to tackle the next problem, task, or to-do item. If you are going from one thing to the next without prioritization, you might leave the important item unfinished—wasting your time on less important things.

Set Realistic Goals – Face it, we all want to be a Super Person! But we are human. Set your goals with reasonable time frames. Frustration can set in when you are stuck waiting on items that you knew needed to be done before setting out to complete the task. All this does is set you back.

Communication Clearly – Communicate what you are trying to get done. If others don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish, more unnecessary work could develop.

Make Personal Time – If you get sick, you cannot work. Then, you fall behind and get stressed. Take care of yourself. Rest, eat, breathe, take a walk—do things to keep yourself well.

With time management, you also need to apply management techniques and use tools to achieve success.

Using BQE CORE for Time Management Success

In business, employees need to track their time so managers can see if they have the resources needed to accomplish a job/task. Set up tasks using a schedule or calendar so they don’t fall through the cracks. Then, prioritize and set goals for how to complete a job. This provides the insight you need to understand profit and loss within your business.

BQE CORE is an all-in-one practice management software that focuses on your needs. CORE helps not only in time management, but it also allows you to:

  • Set goals for work,

  • See the utilization rate of employees and where hours are spent,

  • Review profits,

  • Report and calculate your aged accounts receivables,

  • Set schedules for tasks to be assigned and completed.

A CORE user can also review various aspects of the business in dashboards. Dashboards provide the most important metrics you need to run your business in real-time, such as project status, staff utilization, and firm profitability. You can also craft reports that include critical metrics with just a few clicks of the keyboard. Plus, it is a cloud-based tool, enabling your team to work anywhere.

You can streamline and automate the tasks that are most important to you with CORE’s time and expense tracking and billing modules. This includes OCR receipt-scanning and mileage tracking at no extra cost!

BQE CORE is a fully functional program that has all the features you need and no hidden fees. Imagine how many everyday work-related tasks take up your valuable time. With CORE, you can more easily check off your list and streamline all your tasks.


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