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How to Choose the Best HR Software for Your SME

Inefficiency creates frustration. That’s where HR software comes into play. Learn how to decide which software is the best fit for your company.

What are your greatest HR frustrations? Is it duplicating data on systems that aren’t integrated? Do PTO requests and approvals suck up your time? Are you exhausting your recruiting budget to address employee turnover?

HR softwareInefficiency creates frustration. And that’s where HR software comes into play. It allows users to automate HR processes that otherwise need to be carried out manually.

The concept of using technology to digitize HR activities has been around for decades. And most companies know a bit about HR software.

With advances in tech and software, HR software has become a hot topic once again. The HR software market is expected to reach $10.9 billion by 2023. But with so many new options on the market, it’s hard to know which software is best for your company.

Choosing the best HR platform for your company doesn’t have to be difficult. Many of the programs offer customizable solutions for all requirements and budgets.

Why do you need HR software?

HR software helps businesses manage employee information and HR-related tasks. It helps users manage people, automates manual tasks, and keeps information orderly.

Because HR software automates tasks, it naturally saves labor time for managers and HR staff. But it also assists with HR processes because it allows for better planning, budget management, and decision making.

There are many types of HR software, which includes:

  • (HRIS) Human Resource Information Systems - A platform that collects and stores information related to the employees within an organization.

  • (HRMS) Human Resource Management Systems - A combination of systems that connect human resource management and information technology.

  • (HCM) Human Capital Management - Applications designed to assist with the acquisition, tracking and development of employees.

  • (ATS) Applicant Tracking Systems - Software specifically for recruiting, helps process applications.

  • Payroll Software - Software that assists with compensating employees.

Each branch of HR software serves a purpose, streamlining tasks and improving efficiency. While no one would argue that one is more important than another, few companies have a consolidated platform that addresses every HR need.

Important features when choosing HR software

Before you start looking for HR software, you should consider the needs of your business.

Are there any pain points you need to fix? What about processes that already work great? In order to pick the best software for your business, you need to understand the ebbs and flows of your business.

HR SoftwareIf you’re in the market for HR software, make sure to keep these factors in mind:

  • Ease of Use - Make sure your HR software is user-friendly. There’s nothing worse than investing in software that no one in the office can use.

  • Integration Capabilities - You should be able to select specific modules and activate them when needed. And it’s important that all the subsystems function together.

  • Innovation and Adaptability - Your software should adapt to your ever-changing needs and continuously release updates to improve its own functions.

  • Cost and Return on Investment (ROI) - HR software isn’t free, but make sure you’re choosing a software that isn’t one-size-fits-all so you’ll get the most bang for your buck.

  • Support and Compliance  - Test out any software options and their customer support. It’s nice to know there’s good help readily available.

While there is software out there to meet these various needs, it’s hard to find one software that can perform ALL of these functions in one. Most companies settle for multiple and end up shuffling between multiple platforms to address all of their HR needs.

It’s important to have HR software, but you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the best.

Why CORE is the best HR software

Your human resource software should simplify people management and save you time on tedious employee management tasks. 95% of our users say CORE HR gives you hours of time back.

All businesses must adhere to labor laws, but it can be especially hard for small businesses to track all the necessary files and stay in compliance. CORE HR enhances employer protection because it allows you to store all employee paperwork in one convenient digital location.

CORE HR also reduces admin task overload by eliminating paper files and streamlining employee record keeping. And it can boost productivity by automating routine, repetitive tasks. This frees up your time to focus on developing your business.

Plus, CORE HR can help you improve employee retention. It’ll help you schedule and execute performance reviews so you can prevent job-hopping.

Don’t take our word for it! Try CORE HR out for yourself. Click the link below to start your free trial today.

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