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Firm Operations

Automatic Billing: 3 Signs Your Invoicing & Billing Software is Outdated

Automatic billing software can help streamline your business so you can get more done in less time. Here are 3 signs your firm might need it.

Ah, billing software. As with many other forms of technology, the adage "can't live with it, can't live without it" seems to apply all too often.

But does it really have to be that way? If you find yourself constantly struggling to manage your business's accounts, it may just be time for an upgrade.

Don't waste any more of your valuable time on outdated software. Keep reading for three signs that it's time to make the switch over to automatic billing.

1. You Have to Process Each Bill Individually

If your software makes you process each and every bill independently—even recurring invoices—you may as well not be using billing software at all. You shouldn't have to spend countless hours sending out duplicate invoices every year, month, or week.

That's why automatic billing software is so valuable. It allows you to send out recurring charges at a set time each month and to process invoices in batches instead of one at a time.

In fact, Forbes has called automation the key to the "small business renaissance" because of its ability to free up entrepreneurs to focus on the more human aspects of their business. Automated billing not only keeps the cash flowing efficiently, it's also more predictable and convenient for your customers.

2. Your Software Can't Keep Up With Your Revenue Streams

Modern revenue streams are often too complicated for old software to manage. Many businesses now offer a variety of one-time and subscription-based products and services. It's for a good reason—diversifying your income can help your business withstand ever-changing markets.

If your software is out of date, tracking all of your different invoicing cycles for varied products and services can be a real headache. Good billing software should allow you to invoice just as easily for hourly jobs, retainer fees, and projects that are still in progress.

3. You Need Multiple Tools or Websites to Get the Job Done

Do you find yourself sifting through spreadsheet after spreadsheet to find the data you need? Do you have to switch between multiple programs to take care of customer payments? If so, your billing software is falling short.

Updated automatic billing services take an all-in-one approach that saves you from having to integrate multiple programs or spreadsheets. They let you manage payment histories, time and expense tracking, and other accounting functions all within the same interface.

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Automatic Billing Software?

If your account software is no longer keeping up with your business's needs, it's time for an upgrade. Automatic billing can save you a lot of time and frustration, freeing you up to spend time on the more important parts of your business.

At BQE Software, we understand how important it is to manage your business finances efficiently. That's why we designed CORE, a business operating system that can take care of billing, accounting, and project management all at once.

If you're ready to improve your cash flow while cutting your billing time in half, try CORE free for 15 days (no credit card required). Click below to start your free trial!

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