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CORE Mobile App Update: Performance Screens & More

Core Mobile App Update: Performance Screens & More - BQE Software

We’ve made significant changes to CORE’s mobile apps for Android and iOS that will make it even easier to access helpful information and work on the go. Here’s what we’ve done:

New Performance Dashboards

One of the most thrilling aspects of CORE has been its real-time dashboards, which give you insights into the health of not only your firm as a whole, but also all the components that comprise it. Now, our specialized performance dashboards for projects, clients, employees, and vendors are available in the Android and iOS mobile apps!

This means that you’ll have vital information about your business literally at your fingers. If you’re on the train and wondering what your project’s earned value is, you can know at a moment’s notice. Maybe you’re at your local coffee shop and feeling curious about how profitable that problem client is. Or perhaps you’re at a business dinner and the topic of an employee’s utilization rate comes up. Whatever is it, you’ll have the answers.

Here’s just a sampling of the dashboards you can now access in CORE’s mobile app. With insights like these available anytime and anywhere you need them, you’ll be able to always make the right decisions.

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Prompt to Complete Time Entries from To-Dos

CORE’s mobile app has also been updated with a convenient feature that’ll help make sure your staff’s time cards are always completed when you need them.

Now, as soon as you mark any of your To-Dos as complete, CORE’s app will prompt you to create a time entry. It will even pre-fill the required fields for you! This way, when you’re working at a client’s office, a project site, or anywhere else, you’ll never forget to log your time.

As we know, having accurate and, well, timely time entries is crucial to proper cash flow. The billing process is smoother and clients will pay you faster when everything is done according to schedule.

With these two updates, CORE’s app makes it even simpler to do meaningful work from anywhere.

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