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Business Development

Townsends Business & Corporate Lawyers Gain Clear Data Visibility

Townsends Business & Corporate Lawyers Gain Clear Data Visibility - BQE Software

About Townsends Business & Corporate Lawyers

Since opening its doors in 1995, Townsends Business & Corporate Lawyers have built a team of experts committed to personal client service and offering clear, practical legal advice and services. Working primarily within the financial services industry in the areas of wealth management, superannuation, SMSF, estate planning and commercial law, the firm offers deep legal expertise to provide tactical and strategic advantage combined with leading edge web-based legal services for time and cost efficiencies.


Two years ago, the Sydney-based law firm needed to upgrade its time recording and invoicing system but according to Colin Washington, Accountant at Townsends Lawyers, “Due to the high ongoing cost of our then current supplier, we decided not to review its latest version.” Although their existing software did everything that was needed, Colin said, “It was difficult to access the data and impossible to tailor the standard reports or to create our own reports (i.e. it didn’t have an attached report writer). “ He wanted an alternative system that would produce better reports and invoices, as well as provide clearer visibility of data.


Townsends Lawyers considered many factors during the evaluation process for their new solution but price wasn’t the main focus – the level of value for the price was. Colin explained, “The two leading law packages had very high ongoing costs. For the relatively straight forward nature of our business, we did not feel that these extra costs were justified versus using a more basic time recording and invoice system. We downloaded a few trial versions of different packages but found that BillQuick was by far the best option for us. It was competitively priced and in particular, the company had an office here in Sydney. For the reasons stated above, the overall product was streets ahead of our existing package.” The firm also likes that BillQuick has a seamless integration with MYOB and the ability to customize reports via Crystal Reports.

Benefits & Results

A major advantage BillQuick had over its predecessor was its ability to search and display clients, matters and invoices on the screen. Also, being able to review reports on the screen within BillQuick was efficient and saved a lot of time. “With our previous software, it was a frustrating process to save and reopen files,” Colin said. “Some reports could only be saved as a PDF file and could not be exported as an Excel file.”

After implementing BillQuick, Townsends Lawyers experienced an increase in productivity and visibility. Colin continued, “Overall, the ability to drill down into the data and create the reports we need to manage the business and monitor the profitability of each job has allowed us to focus our attention on those underperforming areas which we were previously unaware of.”

Get started with BillQuick today and begin saving time and money! For more information, visit or call (866) 945-1595.

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