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Technology and Your Mother

Technology and Your Mother - BQE Software

Yesterday (Sunday, May 11, 2014) was Mother’s Day. My parents live 2,693 miles away so I wasn't about to drive there. I know this because in about 30 seconds I was able to enter my city and theirs into Google Maps to see and, much to my surprise, I could also see two driving routes and a flying route with an estimated cost of flying. Of course I called her and when I did, I used a good old-fashioned phone. Then again it wasn't so old-fashioned. The “concept” of the phone is old-fashioned now. My point is, I certainly wasn't going to send my mother an e-mail to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day.

While speaking with my mother, she asked if she and my father could call back when he was around because she wanted to Skype with me. She likes to see my face, but she doesn’t have the first clue about how to get Skype working. My father does.

In this week’s video, I talk about this and then tie it into the business-related implications that I ran into as a result of my wanting to Skype with my mother on the Mother’s Day.

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