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Webinar: Billing & Invoicing Best Practices for AE Firms
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5 Major Reasons to Choose Custom Billing Software

Custom billing software lets your firm automate many of its operations for more predictable cash flow, ample time savings, and accurate financial records.

A custom billing software system saves you time and money while keeping your invoices and payments organized and on schedule. This software makes it easy to customize professional invoices and send them to your clients with complete confidence that they're accurate. Clients can then submit payments online for a seamless transaction, ensuring you get paid faster and with less follow-up required.

Custom Billing Software Benefits

If your current billing system is slow, complicated, or cluttered, keep reading for five compelling reasons you should opt for online custom billing software and how to leverage it for the best results.

Manage staff and projects more efficiently than ever with BQE's CORE software. 

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Punctual payments

One of the most enticing reasons to use custom billing software is its ability to help your firm get paid on time consistently. Setting up recurring invoices for your clients and creating a personalized payment schedule that works for both parties prevents you from having to request money repeatedly or track down outstanding invoices. Instead, automated payment reminders do it for you.

These are great features if your company offers subscriptions, payment plans, or frequently bills the same clients regularly (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or annually). Billing and invoicing software notifies clients before their balance is due, on the due date, and as soon as payment is late, removing the pressure from your firm to micromanage these tasks. 

Instead, you’re free to spend more time on your firm's services and the work you enjoy. It also offers you flexibility, as many invoicing systems include mobile functionality so that you can monitor invoice and payment status from anywhere.

Track all expenses

With cloud-based billing software, all invoices sent and received are securely tracked and logged for more accurate records. This keeps your firm and its clients accountable for services purchased and payments owed. And like any business owner, you want to do everything you can year-round to remain tax-compliant and prepared for an audit. A digital billing solution is the simplest way to ensure you always are.

Tracking your expenses and payments also provides detailed insights into your financial patterns. It's simpler to know which clients are your most valuable, which services are most popular, and the time of year you're most profitable. This knowledge is powerful because it helps you adjust to keep cash flow stable all year and invest more in the clients and services that make money for your firm. 

An online billing system will allow you to understand your revenue and your budgets and spending. With budget reports like those automatically created in BQE’s CORE, you always know if you’re under or exceeding a project’s budget, while expense tracking at the project or employee level reveals unnecessary spending, so you make changes going forward. 

Client management

Your billing system is an underrated client management tool because it quickly highlights all financial information related to a client. You can sort and categorize your clients based on their industry, business size, and how recently you worked together. Knowing your previous interactions and the services they purchased will help you re-engage with a recommendation or simply check in on their needs.

You also foster goodwill with clients when you make it easy to work with you. Be flexible by accepting multiple payment types, including credit cards. Credit card payments are increasingly popular, with 84% of people wanting the option to pay by credit card. Mobile payments are on the rise, too, so you need your firm to accept payment methods that are convenient and safe. 

Most billing and accounting platforms integrate with popular payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal to securely receive money and deposit it in your account faster than traditional banking systems. When you make it painless for clients to pay you, you’ll find that you receive more on-time payments and fewer email exchanges about the matter.

Team management

Many tedious billing tasks get automated or streamlined with custom billing software, but it doesn’t completely eliminate your team's involvement. Instead, it enables you to keep everyone organized, informed, and accountable. When all of your collaborators work together from one platform, they know what they’re responsible for and what others have recently completed. Say your automated payment reminders have gone ignored. Which team member is responsible for making that phone call to your client, asking for a payment ASAP? 

Customize your online billing tool to your team’s liking, including the cadence at which it generates financial reporting, such as a profitability report, and who automatically receives an email copy at your desired interval. By standardizing your financial processes, from invoicing schedules to data collection, you set the example for your team and keep your firm running smoothly.

Digital conversion

Everything is digital now, including receipts, invoices, payments, and even tax filings. This is a positive for business owners because you can save money on paper, ink, and office space! It’s easier to store hundreds or thousands of records when you do it digitally, and it's faster and more secure to share with other stakeholders this way.

In 2022, if you don’t accept payments online, or you can't send clients and vendors a digital receipt, your firm looks out of touch and less credible. Adapting to new technology is a boon for businesses because it makes you look savvy, like you know what's coming before everyone else. 

Not only do you seem more informed, but your firm becomes more powerful when you use software, thanks to third-party integrations and automations that let you work more efficiently. And the invoice templates included in custom billing software are a win because they ensure you always look professional and on-brand, but only take seconds to personalize and send.

BQE Solutions - Custom Billing Software 

Billing and invoicing software for small businesses offers your firm unlimited invoicing capabilities, improved cash flow, organized records and tax information, and automated payment follow-ups, so your team isn’t stuck doing it.

If you need some help staying on top of your billing and invoicing tasks, CORE offers user-friendly automatic billing software as well as project management software, expense tracking, time tracking, and accounting software. All of this functionality lets firms more easily assign tasks, set project budgets, and manage time and expenses.

Check out the rest of our blog for resources to help you find software built for your industry to make your company more efficient, whether you're looking for project management software for engineers or legal billing software. Sign up for your free demo today to see how CORE can streamline your firm's billing processes, project execution, and more.

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