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4 Ways to Make Your Business More Profitable with CORE

Even as your business becomes more complex, first-class accounting software is prepared to help your firm run smoothly.

As firms grow and become more efficient, they begin to take on new clients, a bigger workload, and more complex assignments. While that’s great for both the business and the balance sheet, it can also prove a more complicated accounting process and a lot of extra stress for the company.But just as firms are expanding, so are the capabilities of accounting software. Even as your business becomes more complex, first-class accounting software is prepared to help your firm run smoothly.

Fortunately, it just so happens that BQE CORE is the very best accounting software in the industry – a title recently awarded by GetApp, the popular technology authority.

If you’re ready to reduce the accounting headache and boost your profits, here are four ways BQE CORE can help make that happen!

1. Improving Operational Efficiency

 While the phrase “time is money” might be cliché, it’s also never more accurate than when relating to your firm’s operational procedures. You and your employee’s time truly is money, so it’s crucial to maximize the allocation of that time as efficiently as possible.

BQE CORE has set the standard for accounting software looking to improve the operational efficiency of a firm.

For one, CORE handles many daily tasks that would otherwise be done by staff, and this automation will save you and your employees time – time that can be invested in more important growth functions for the firm. Additionally, one of CORE’s highest-praised features is its unmatched project management service, which assists with staff collaboration.

When your employees are working together better and spending their time on more valuable business functions, the sky’s the limit for your firm.

Furthermore, since the software streamlines your firm’s billing and accounting system, this leads to faster invoicing, more seamless cash flow, and better operational efficiency across the board.

2. Improving Time Tracking, Resulting in More Billable Hours

If you’re working, you should get paid for it, right?

Sadly, that’s not always the case. In fact, as projects become more complicated, many firms struggle with time-tracking. When this happens, a lot of valuable time that should be billable hours slips through the cracks.

That leads to losses: lost time, lost money, and lost opportunity.

No firm wants that. Instead, to help maximize your billable hours, CORE offers intuitive, mobile, and efficient time tracking. On top of that, the software fills out timecards for the staff, making sure every minute of billable time is counted.

More billable hours create more revenue, so don’t miss out.

3. Smoother Onboarding

Bringing on new members of staff means growth – always worth celebrating – but it also means sacrificing time and resources for training.

To further complicate the matter, if your firm is using several different software programs, that means a steeper learning curve for the new hire and more work from your team.

On the other hand, all-encompassing software such as CORE combines features from many different programs and works to smooth the onboarding process. In other words, it’s a lot easier to learn one new program than six.

And on top of that, CORE is exceptionally user friendly, resulting in minimal training needed to use the software. The end result is the most painless onboarding process a firm could ever desire, plus a more capable employee from the first day on the job.

4. Happier Clients

While running a business involves a lot of moving pieces, one of the main focal points is client satisfaction. After all, if you don’t have clients, you don’t have a business.

With that in mind, great accounting software should improve the client’s experience of working with your firm.

And do you know what clients hate the most?


CORE knows that too, and the software is designed to make sure your clients are always engaged by increasing the point of contact between your firm and your client. This includes not only invoicing, but also keeping clients updated on the WIP and time allocations for your work.

Better client communication means better retention rates and long working relationships.

Bonus: Work from Anywhere!

Never has this final point been more relevant than it is today: With cloud-based accounting software like CORE, you and your employees will be able to access information, add hours, and use the software in its entirety from anywhere.

Use it at work? Check.

In a remote office? Check.

On-the-go? Again, check.

This helps decentralize accounting firms and enables work to be accessible as long as employees have a connection to the internet. This is incredibly valuable in a time where work is shifting toward more remote-favoring environments.

Are You Ready to Boost Your Profitability? Here’s How.

CORE is a valuable asset for any firm for all the reasons discussed: it helps with operations, time-tracking, onboarding, client retention, and more. Together, all these elements are sure to boost your profits.

But that’s not all. The team at BQE never settles, and that’s why CORE is constantly evolving. That’s also why CORE has seen 24 updates in under four years—a quantifiable commitment to never settling.

Stagnant software loses traction and pulls down those who use it. CORE innovates and pushes the envelope every day.

If you’re ready to take a big step toward a more profitable firm, today’s a great day to start. Learn how here.

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