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3 Marketing Strategies Every Legal Professional Should Know

Many firms know they need to do something different with their marketing strategy, but they don’t know where to start.

Over time, the marketing strategies for law firms have changed dramatically. While word-of-mouth advertising used to be all that a law firm needed bring in customers, today there are many more requirements to stay relevant in today’s technology-driven world. 

Many firms know they need to do something different with their marketing strategy, but they don’t know where to start.  

To help with that, here are three marketing strategies every legal professional needs to know. 

1. Start at the Beginning: Build Your Brand 

Branding is one of the first things you must do if you want to create an effective marketing strategy, but law firms often struggle with the concept. 

When you create your brand, consider the message you want to send to your potential clients. What associations should they draw when they hear the name of your firm? From there, all of your communication with clients should center around that basic message. 

Throughout the process, consider the following questions: 

  • What makes your law firm unique? 
  • What value can you add to a potential client’s life? 
  • What do you do better than your competitors? 
  • Why should anyone listen to you?
  • How can you convey credibility and authority? 

You do not have to overcomplicate this. Simple branding is often the most effective. It does not have to be a difficult process, but if done well, it will always separate you from your competitors by highlighting your competitive advantages. 

2. Identify a Target Audience: Who Is Your Ideal Client?

Before you start a marketing strategy, you need to identify your target market. Think about your ideal client: who are they, and what would be the best way to connect with them?   

Finding a target audience sets out exactly who you want to target with all of your marketing campaigns. You wouldn’t win many games of darts if you couldn’t see the dartboard. This concept works the same way.   

To best do this, consider your perfect client. Think about specific demographics in addition to their legal needs. Characteristics that you might want to consider include: 

  • Age 
  • Motivations 
  • Goals
  • Family life (such as married or single, or whether they have children)
  • Employment or occupation
  • Education level 

Identifying a target audience means truly understanding what kind of information they will consider when choosing a law firm for their legal needs. When you understand this, you can tailor your marketing much more effectively.

3. The Big Picture: Create a Marketing Plan 

After you successfully navigate your way through the first two strategies, you can start developing your marketing plan.   

A true marketing plan includes more than just trying out random marketing ideas—it means creating a comprehensive plan that touches all levels of your client’s experience. From your client’s first impression of your website to the experience of working, all the points of contact revolve around your marketing plan. 

Examples of the most common digital marketing strategies include: 

  • Pay-per-click advertising 
  • SEO development 
  • Social media 
  • Legal directories 
  • Email marketing 
  • Guest posting 

Your use of any (or all) of these strategies will depend on who you are targeting and how they use technology. In most cases, your plan should involve creating a digital presence, but it should also consider all of your marketing materials.  

Take a hard look at all of the existing ways your name is out in front of potential clients and make sure those impressions are sending the message you want to convey about you and your firm.  

Additionally, here are a few more strategies to consider in the creation of your marketing plan: 

  • Demonstrate Excellence and Credibility: Your marketing plan should involve a way to showcase the skills that you have, such as: 
  • Awards and Achievements: Displaying awards and other accolades you have received often establishes expertise and trust with your clients. You can do this on your website, on your social media platforms (such as in your social bios), and even in your office. 

  • Client Reviews: Another good way to show that you know your stuff is by providing client reviews on your website or other digital platforms. Real reviews from real people help a potential client decide whether your services will provide the quality they need. 
  • Case Studies: Some firms like to include success stories on their digital marketing platforms. If you decide to go this route, be sure that you have the client’s permission to use their information. You should also avoid using their name or other identifying information. 

Following these marketing strategies will give you a leg up on the competition online and help you develop messaging that resonates with your ideal clients. Get started building those connections today!

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