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How to Use LiveChat to Increase Sales and Retention

How to Use LiveChat to Increase Sales and Retention - BQE Software

Every now and then I stumble onto something that I've known about for a while, put on the back burner, and then find myself wishing it were taken off the back burner a long time ago. This happened to me last week, which is why, now I want to show you how to use LiveChat to increase sales and retention.

One of the keys to getting a prospect in and converting them into a paying client, is speed. When I get back to someone quickly, they almost always thank me, and that tells me something very important. That they appreciate a prompt response. Think about the last time you reached out to someone, inquiring about their services. You wonder if they will get back do you. Should you keep looking? Should you give them 24 hours? If you wait 24 hours, and they don't respond, that's another 24 hours wasted.

What if you could get back to someone instantly? How many more clients could you grab each month, if you captured them while they were still on your website?

LiveChat monitors your website(s) and lets you know who's on you site, what page they are on, how long they've been there, and what part of the world they are in.

As I write this, I have someone from Mexico, who's been watching a webinar I did, called, "What Clients Want" for the past 13 minutes.

LiveChat is easy to install, especially if you have a WordPress site. If not, you can get the code, and drop it in. With Wordpress, you set up your LiveChat account, and install the plugin. Beyond that, there are some settings to look at, and customize, but that's it.

You'll have your online lead generation engine set up in minutes.

You can set, whether or not you are accepting chats, and when you're not, people can leave a message. You can also decide exactly what information they need to enter, in order to establish the chat, and what is or isn't required.

Here's a tip. Aim to keep this simple. I ask for name and e-mail only, and I make them both required. I can get the rest later, if I need to. The trick for now is to get them in, and get them talking, so you can find out where they need help, and offer solutions. I want their e-mail address, so I can reach them outside of the chat if I need to. The other day I missed someone, just after they'd left the chat. I walked away for a minute to grab a drink. I was glad I had their e-mail. I reached out to him, and asked him to come right back in. He did, and we chatted. He hasn't become a client yet, but I took a situation that would have potentially left a bad taste in his mouth, and turned it into goodwill.

That is the name of the game when it comes to getting clients. You don't have to sell. You SHOULDN'T sell. You simply talk to people, find out where they're struggling, and then offer solutions. THAT is what selling really is.

In the first 24 hours of using LiveChat I booked a new client, for a $250 support session. At the lowest pricing tier (which will be more than enough for most of you) that pays for 13 months.

You won't get every person as a client, but the more positive experiences you can create for people, the more people you have out there, who will remember you, and then tell others about you, when someone indicates the need for what you offer. LiveChat makes this easy to do. Let's see what this looks like, shall we?

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