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True Tales from a BQE Trainer

True Tales from a BQE Trainer - BQE Software

As a BQE Trainer for 7+ years, I’ve witnessed a lot of customer success stories with many of them wondering why they did not start using the system sooner. It’s always a rewarding experience teaching customers, both first-timers and experienced users, on how to efficiently use BillQuick for billing clients, managing projects, and getting their job done in less time than before. A lot of the stories are great but there were a couple “A-ha!” and “Wow!” moments that do stand out and make me enjoy my job even more.

Here are two customers who have used BillQuick training and custom services to improve their business processes:

  1. Custom Services to the Rescue

    There is a temp agency that works with a payroll company to distribute paychecks to their employees. The workers bill hourly so every week, they download their timecards and use them to create invoices in QuickBooks. However, they have to manually type in the information from their timecards into QuickBooks, which is a frustrating double entry process that is prone to lots of errors. After switching to BillQuick, we were able to work with their payroll company to develop a custom business rule in the system that would automatically import the timecard data into BillQuick. By doing so, they drastically saved hours of manual data entry. It now only takes 7-10 minutes to do a full week’s worth of billing!

  2. Refreshing Training Courses

    There is a law firm that has been using BillQuick for years. They just hired a new billing person and wanted her to get up to speed on the billing process. So, they scheduled a BillQuick training course to help her and everyone else on the team review the fundamentals of setting up clients, matters, fee schedules, etc. During the course, someone made an off-hand comment about having to reverse invoices to fix memos. However, I said it wasn’t necessary because they can just go to Tools > Edit in the Invoice Review screen to edit time and expense entry memos. The person who made the comment said that that one tip alone paid for the entire session!

As you can tell from these stories, an hour or two with a BillQuick trainer/consultant can help quickly solve your company’s pain points and simplify the way you do business. We are here to shed light on lesser known features and functionality that can really give you the powerful results you have been looking for in an integrated time and billing solution. If you want to leverage the full capabilities of your BQE solution and increase your firm’s productivity, then click here to learn more or schedule a session with us today.

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