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Asking for Help and Why It’s Important

Asking for Help and Why It’s Important - BQE Software

When I look back on my life and I think of some of the greatest successes I’ve had, I find myself thinking about what I can attribute those successes to. In each and every case, I can honestly say that every successful moment in my life points back to a moment when I asked for help. More importantly, it was my subsequent willingness to accept that help, which made the difference. I can ask for help, and I can receive help, but then I have to take the action.

These days, you can google just about anything and get answers. Isn’t that what most people do? Yet, when we get stuck on the bigger problems we find we stay stuck because we don’t think of Google as something which can help. It can. Google itself doesn’t really help though. Google aggregates content from other places and it’s the content in those other places which can really help.

Let’s use software as an example. We use BillQuick, Archioffice, and Engineer Office to help streamline the process we have in our businesses. When we need help with these products of course, we can contact support at BQE Software and they are amazing. But what about when the help we need goes beyond just using the software itself and it extends into using the software, as well as structuring the bigger picture framework of what we’re doing in, on, and around our businesses?

Now there is one more place you can go for help. Actually 2. The one place is Facebook, and within that we have set up 2 groups: BillQuick Users and Archioffice Users. The best help I’ve gotten has come from my peers. This is the thinking behind the concept here. It’s a great place to network with other professionals in the same or similar industries, and then with people like me – an accountant turned video blogger who has worked with many an architect, and many an engineer.

I often hear people say that they spend way too much time on Facebook. Maybe in truth it’s not enough? You can keep your profile private (and you should, but that’s another blog post). This ensures that others in the group cannot see what you are posting personally on Facebook. Then if and when you develop a relationship with someone, where there is clearly mutual respect, you can become “friends” on Facebook. I’ve added more colleagues than personal friends on Facebook in the past few years for sure. The reason this makes sense is that it can turn your Facebook time from idle time into incredibly productive time.

Let’s start making your time on Facebook extremely productive. Join us here:

  1. BillQuick Users

  2. Archioffice Users

Sorry, Engineer Office does not yet have a group. We’ll get there, and if you are someone who wants to see that happen, please let us know by posting your comments below.

You can get help, and you can also GIVE help in these groups which is what we’re counting on. We want you, the users, our community to get in there and start offering and accepting help. This will become a great community of like minded individuals. I can’t wait to see you in there. Please say hello once you are there!

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