I think it's a "no brainer" that we have to use social media for business. Why wouldn't you? Pinterest is something we often think of as the place where are friends go to share recipes and photos of animals and other things that more generally seem to represent “personal” interests instead of business interests. I am guilty. I thought that. Then the thought occurred to me that it wouldn’t cost me any extra to set up a board for some of my Excel and QuickBooks content. Worst that happens is it gets ignored. Then something surprising happened. People started repining my “business” related content. I was encouraged so I added more. I still don’t spend enough time working this part of social media, but I do see the benefit.
Pinterest is another place where you can showcase your content. It’s free and it’s another platform where people might just stumble on your content and they might just like it. That is what happens before they re-pin it. This can only be good. It can only help you get in front of more people.
I am very much a behind the scenes guy. That’s where the magic really happens. This is why I decided that while I was working on the Pinterest content for BQE software, it would make a great piece for our blog right here as well as a YouTube video showing you how this all comes together. Oh and have you seen how nicely a YouTube video will render on Pinterest? Watch the video for this post to see what this looks like. Soon enough you can view it on Pinterest! You have to think in terms of what your topics are and break your boards down accordingly. In our case it's business management and productivity. You can see what I am doing on our own Pinterest boards to get ideas.