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LIVE WEBINAR: The Art of Estimating Fees: Unlocking Profitable Projects for Your AE Firm
Wednesday, March 19th at 1pm ET|10am PT REGISTER
Firm Operations

A Second Look

A Second Look - BQE Software

Behind every good writer, there’s a great editor because a fresh pair of eyes can mean the difference between sub-par and superb writing. Similarly, BQE offers a unique service that delivers both deep insight into your company’s general workflow and an insider’s analysis into how you can get the most out of your BillQuick program.

Our fresh pair of eyes look at your business operations, setup and procedures. This Second Look by a BQE Expert points out items or issues that you are too close to notice. Finally, our expert gives you a written report with recommendations on ways to improve your processes and procedures. It may be as simple as changing a few settings, working with a trainer for a few hours, or adding a new business rule to save you time with a task. It is personalized to your firm.

Who Needs Second Look?

Companies and businesses that:

  • Want their processes as streamlined as possible
  • Demand optimal performance from their software
  • Insist on maximum return on investment (ROI)

The Second Look Service Includes:

  • Two hours of personalized consulting
  • Detailed performance analysis, identification of bottlenecks and inefficient processes
  • Recommendations on improvements for issues discovered
  • Recommendations based on your company’s individual needs and points of weakness uncovered in our analysis
  • Best practices on ways to implement changes with minimal disruption

How Does Second Look Work?

First, we ask you to fill out a 10-15 minute survey about how you use BillQuick. The questions cover which version of BillQuick you use, how you manage your employees and projects, how you do your billing, and so on.

Second, we review your answers to determine areas we’d like to inspect closer when we perform our analysis.

Third, a BQE expert observes online how you use our software solution in your organization and all the processes involved. The BQE expert quickly uncovers the friction points that have been slowing you down, which can be removed once they are identified. This stage is solely dedicated to analyzing and discovering as much as possible about your business processes.

Finally, you can discuss issues and ask questions about the software. The BQE expert also guides you in other areas within BillQuick that need to be explored in more depth.

What Does Second Look Accomplish?

Our Second Look service is all about saving you time and making you more money. When we’re done identifying the issues, we analyze what’s going on technologically behind the scenes in your company. This is accompanied by a detailed report explaining the exact steps you can take to address each issue that’s uncovered. The report includes areas for improvement and recommendations on how to optimize your business system. We factor in everything like your personnel, operating systems and processes, software version, database used, file organization, etc. Our recommendations are specifically tailored for your business.

Now is the time to welcome back the cash flow you've been losing to kinks and bottlenecks. You can download the Second Look fact sheet or contact us to take advantage of this service.

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